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Your car will benefit greatly from having this airbox for both on- and off-road driving.

It includes an a transparent acrylic top that makes it simple to monitor your filter without removing any fastenings.

The factory airbox setup is directly replaced by these units.

We employ a unique MAF sensor mounting  that was created precisely to resemble the original housing. By doing this, engine codes are avoided. The duckbill valve on this airbox allows for a rapid release for any water incursion and does not require remapping or tuning. This is intended to be a one-way valve so that no water can enter when you are crossing a body of water.



  • CNC folded and cut
  • Metal boxes
  • Powder coated
  • 6 mm acrylic lid
  • High Flow Air Filter
  • One way Duckbill valve
  • Made in South Africa

Hilux D4D Vigo Airbox

R6 500,00Price
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